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100% Money Back Guarantee - The Peekaboo Promise

What happens if I receive an inaccurate result?

Peekaboo Pro is 100% accurate when performed from 7 weeks gestation or later. 

We are so confident in the accuracy of our Peekaboo tests, that we offer a 100% money back guarantee, if your baby is born, and their sex does not match our result analysis report.

We know how important this test is to you and promise to provide the earliest, and most accurate early gender DNA test result on the market.

How to Start the Refund Process

We sincerely apologise if you have received an inaccurate result using the Peekaboo Early Gender DNA Test and we’re more than happy to ensure you receive a full refund.

To start the refund process, simply follow the instructions below:

  1. Scan or photograph your baby’s birth certificate – To confirm that your baby's gender didn’t match our result analysis report, please scan or photograph your baby’s birth certificate and email the copy to us as an attachment to Please ensure that the sex of the baby is visible, but feel free to cover all other details in order to maintain privacy as these are not needed to process your refund.
  2. Include your order number – To help us find your initial results in our system, please include your original order number within your email.

Once we verify your documents, we will initiate a full refund for you. Refunds are typically received within 7 to 10 business days.

Our 100% money back guarantee is based on birth only, not ultrasound.

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